Re: Gateway Decomposition

Look for the WP 2./16 meeting report (TD-66 PLEN) from September's meeting -- Dr. Okubo gave a reference earlier on this list. The last Annex (Annex 3) is the same as TD-89(WP2).
-----Original Message----- From: Rahul Chopra [SMTP:rchopra@NETSPEAK.COM] Sent: Monday, October 19, 1998 9:27 AM To: ITU-SG16@MAILBAG.INTEL.COM Subject: Re: Gateway Decomposition
Ami: I was looking for a copy myself. Would appreciate if you let me know, where you found it (when you find it) Thanks. Rahul
-----Original Message----- From: Ami Amir [SMTP:amir@RADVISION.RAD.CO.IL] Sent: Saturday, October 17, 1998 3:56 AM To: Subject: Re: Gateway Decomposition
Hi All
Small "European/Middle Eastern" request -try not to schedule evening calls so that we can join.
Anothe request - can someone pots again the "GAteway Decomposition" document? I only have a hard copy somewhere.
Gary A. Thom wrote:
---------- From: Gary A. Thom[SMTP:GTHOM@DELTA-INFO.COM] Sent: Friday, October 16, 1998 10:27:22 AM To: Subject: Re: Contact Info requested Auto forwarded by a Rule
Please include me also.
Gary ------------------------------------------------------ Name : Gary A. Thom Company: Delta Information Systems, Inc. Address: 300 Welsh Rd., Bldg 3 Horsham, PA 19044 USA Phone : +1-215-657-5270 Fax : +1-215-657-5273 E-mail : ------------------------------------------------------
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Tom-PT Taylor