[itu-sg16] ITU Workshop - Service Delivery Platforms (SDP) for Telecommunication Ecosystems: from today's realities to requirements and challenges of the future
Dear experts This workshop organized by ITU-T SG 13 may be of interest to you, in particular IPTV. The event webpage is: http://itu.int/ITU-T/worksem/sdp Cheers, Simão
<((((º>.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸ ><((((º>.·´¯`·...¸><((((º>.·´¯`·...¸><((((º> ===================================================================== Simão Ferraz de Campos Neto Counsellor, ITU-T SG 16 International Telecommunication Union Tel: +41-22-730-6805 Place des Nations Fax: +41-22-730-5853 Geneva CH1211 - Switzerland E-mail: simao.campos@itu.int On the web: www.itu.int/ITU-T/studygroups/com16 ===================================================================== ***** Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty ***** =====================================================================
participants (1)