Lessons learned from H.248/Megaco collaboration
As we step back from the events of the recent interactions of the ITU and the IETF concerning the "collaboration" on the specification of H.248 / MEGACO, it is clear - at least to me - that there is opportunity for improvement in the manner in which such collaboration is executed. I have purposefully delayed the transmission of this message to allow some reduction of the tension; however, it is important that this issue be addressed before we forget entirely, because I fear that two potential results could be either resistance to any future collaboration or the establishment of a rigid 'one size fits all' process. Either of these results would be detrimental to the operations of both organizations and to the needs of the industry and its consumers. It surprised me that, even at the final hours of determination of the ITU specification, there was no written agreement between the management teams of the respective organizations. In horror, I watched the various collections of individuals spinning towards conclusions without a common understanding of what agreements existed, or what the next step should be in the sister organization (and sometimes in their own organization!), or how to reach the end game. My conclusion is that the single most effective process improvement would be to require that an agreement on the process / project plan be written down and signed-off by the "appropriate management team" of the two organizations at the start of any future collaboration. TSAG and the ISOC VP for Standards should draw up this requirement and indicate what the "appropriate management team" means. Such an agreement would allow the leadership to manage the expectations of their respective organizations and form a structure for the front line - essentially volunteer - group leaders to follow. My comments should not be mis-interpretted as a criticism of any one - or collection - of individuals; we all share some level of culpability for the manner in which past events have played out. My desire is to improve the chance of success in future collaboration. Success for me means not only achieving the most technically correct and optimal specification, but respecting the dignity of all the participants and the processes of the involved organizations. Greg Ratta, Vice Chairman, ITU-T WP 1/11, Broadband Signalling Lucent Technologies Tel: +1 732 332 5174, Fax: +1 732 949 1196, gratta@lucent.com
participants (1)
Greg Ratta