FW: Megaco/H.248 Packages Teleconference
Second try.
-----Original Message----- From: Taylor, Tom-PT [CAR:B904-I:EXCH] Sent: Thursday, September 30, 1999 3:17 AM To: megaco@standards.nortelnetworks.com; itu-sg-16@mailbag.intel.com Subject: Megaco/H.248 Packages Teleconference
I have started by reserving 20 ports for the call -- I expect this will increase as your requests come in (mailto:taylor@nortelnetworks.com). The phone number to call is
+1 919 905 6338 (Nortel attendees call 260 6338).
Once dialled in, if you have DTMF, dial the following passcode when prompted: 209516# If you do not have DTMF, wait for the operator to come on line and then state the above passcode.
If the fact that you have to pay to connect to this number is a barrier to your participation, please let me know and I'll figure out how to reserve a toll-free number instead.
Tom Taylor Advisor -- IPConnect Standards E-mail: taylor@nortelnetworks.com (internally, Tom-PT Taylor) Phone and FAX: +1 613 736 0961
participants (1)
Tom-PT Taylor