I agree with Mike in using H.245 between MGC and MG. SDP is essentially used for advertising loosely coupled sessions, so it does not have the functionality necessary to be considered in H.GCP. Also, H.GCP must re-use H.323 components whenever possible. vineet -----Original Message----- From: Mike Buckley [mailto:mikebuckley@ATTMAIL.COM] Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 1999 7:04 PM To: ITU-SG16@MAILBAG.INTEL.COM Subject: Re: H.GCP draft uploaded Bryan, I don't know whether this is the right place to comment on the Draft. I have also copied some of these comments to the megaco list. I would like to see the use of SDP between the MGC and MG added to the issues list. My understanding is that the symantics and syntax of SDP are different from H.245OLC. Use of SDP in H.gcp will therefore involve a reordering of the information sent in H.245 between endpoints. This will add transcoding complexity and latency. In addition, all the features of H.245 I believe cannot be presently supported in SDP. For maximum efficiency and flexibility therefore I think the mechanism used to convey capabilities should mirror the semantics and syntax of H.245OLC. I don't believe there is any extra overhead in adopting this approach over SDP. The coding used may be different from PER or BER. I think this also fits in with the list of H.gcp requirements where it is stated that all the features of H.245 should be supported. Mike ____________________ Begin Original Message ___________________________ Date: Tue Apr 13 08:57:37 -0400 1999 From: internet!VIDEOSERVER.COM!bhill (Bryan Hill) Subject: H.GCP draft uploaded To: internet!MAILBAG.INTEL.COM!ITU-SG16 Content-Type: Text Content-Length: 367 Mr. Okubo, Please find a version of HGCP.doc and HGCP.zip that I have uploaded into the ptel incoming site. These are drafts of the contribution I am preparing for Santiago. Best Regards, Bryan Hill _________________________________________________________ Bryan Hill VideoServer Inc. (781) 505-2159 bhill@videoserver.com <mailto:bhill@videoserver.com>