Status Distribution January 12, 2000 05:54:37 Sent by EMAUO01 The message regarding "H.323 mobility: Final draft" sent on January 12, 2000 05:54:37 was sent by Status Recipient Type To Native Name ITU-SG16@MAILBAG.INTEL.COM Foreign Native Name ITU-SG16@MAILBAG.INTEL.COM/n/n/nSMTP Recipients Status Reporters Type From Name Domain LOTUS Native Name CN=Gilles Delmas/OU=LIM/OU=RESEARCH/O=PHILIPS@EMEA1 Foreign Native Name CN=Gilles Delmas/OU=LIM/OU=RESEARCH/O=PHILIPS/nEMEA1/n/n Organization PHILIPS Org Unit 1 RESEARCH Org Unit 2 LIM Last Name Delmas First Name Gilles Status 769 Explanation Invalid recipient X.400 Status 769 Explanation Error delivering to SUR003M/M/SERVER/PHILIPS mail5/gillesdelmas.nsf; File truncated - file may have been damaged