5) event handling - currently an event is identified to the MGC with an eventId - Paul Sijben suggested that it would be better to use a terminationId
Sorry for missing the call, but let's comment on that specific point. We discussed the event reporting model at length during the IETF meetings and in the following week, and I don't beleive that there is any advantage in opening the debate again. Termination Id and event names just do not belong to the same space. Terminations are defined on a per MG basis; events are defined independently of the MG, and in many cases independently of the termination class. The current notifications identify both the termination on which the event was observed and the name of the event. There is a lot of experience to show that this is a very efficient decomposition, and I don't see any reason whatsoever for ditching the experience in favor of an unproven theoretical design. -- Christian Huitema ------------------------------ Please note my new address: huitema@research.telcordia.com http://www.telcordia.com/