
I have uploaded two versions of the working document to the Incoming folder on the FTP site -- one with change marks as TD8R1 and one without as TD9.  These reflect all the changes through all 5 weeks thus far.  The only change I have not made was the addition of Notify to the profile template.  There seems to be a problem with the FTP site, in that it will not list the contents of the folders.  Once that problem has been resolved, I will update the document to include it.

Please look over the document.  I have been over the spec in great detail making the capitalization uniform as best I can.  If you see any cases that do not align with the rest of the document, please let me know.  Also, have a look across the document for the changes you suggested.  In some cases, I took the suggestion for change and altered the wording a little differently than suggested.  In some cases there were multiple changes to the same place suggested, and I did the best I could to merge the suggestions.  Hopefully I have captured the intent of all.

I hope you all find my many hours of work satisfactory.  As a reminder, this is the week to suggest any further edits.  The document that emerges at the end of this week will be the input document to Geneva.
