-----Original Message----- From: Tom-Ivar Johansen [mailto:tom.ivar.johansen@tandberg.no] Sent: 16. november 2004 20:47 To: itu-sg16 (itu-sg16@external.cisco.com) Subject: Firewall/NAT traversal description related to D-85
Dear experts, the attached document is shared with the group to further discussions on Firewall/NAT traversal as requested by some experts at the Study Group meeting. It gives more details about the TANDBERG Firewall/NAT traversal solution mentioned in Delayed Contribution 85.
Questions and comments are welcome.
Best regards, Tom-Ivar Johansen Phone: + 47 67 125 125 Direct: + 47 98 289 878 Fax: + 47 67 125 234 MailTo:tom.ivar.johansen@tandberg.net http://www.tandberg.net
<file://C:\Program%20Files\Eudora\data\attach\ASSENT-ITU%20distributed.rtf>ASSENT-ITU distributed.rtf