Dear colleague, In this message is the text for the final call for participation for TINA'99. It is also accessible at I apologize if you received the TINA'99 information before, this is just a check that you were informed before the last chance for registration has arrived. The scientific committee expressed a gratitude for the excellence of the papers submitted, especially on VoIP and IN for IP. May I insist on the quality of the Panel of Wednesday afternoon where very senior people will express their views on the future of telecommunication networks: H. Aldermeshian AT&T T. Aoki NTT J. Craveur France Telecom E. Raubold Deutsche Telekom T. Rowbotham British Telecom If you are interested in attending, and desire to do so, I urge you to follow the instructions in the call. I look forward to seeing you in Hawaii. Martine Lapierre <> TINA'99 Telecommunications Information Networking Architecture Conference 1999 Turtle Bay Resort, Oahu, Hawaii, USA - 12-15 April 1999 The Application of Distributed Computing Technologies to Telecommunications Solutions The Telecommunication Information Networking Architecture (TINA) Consortium invites you to attend the TINA'99 Conference on applications of state-of-the-art distributed computing technologies to problems of the globally converging telecommunications and computing domains. TINA'99 is an open international conference, with participation from researchers and developers in open networking technologies related to telecommunication and information systems. HOSTED BY: Hewlett-Packard Laboratories IN COOPERATION WITH: * IEEE Communications Society * Object Management Group SUPPORTED BY: * Hewlett-Packard Company * TINA Consortium CONFERENCE STRUCTURE AND PARTICIPATION TINA'99 consists of tutorials, keynote addresses, technical sessions, and demonstrations. The tutorials are on 12 April, with the keynote addresses and technical sessions occupying a single track on 13 April, and two tracks on 14 April and until noon on 15 April. A preliminary program is available for your perusal. ( REGISTRATION To attend the conference, you must register for the conference and book accommodations with the conference hotel. The relevant forms are: * Registration Form ( * Hotel Information and Booking Form ( The registration includes admittance to the tutorials of your choice, the technical sessions, the reception, and the conference dinner. We also will accept American Express cards for the conference registration. There is still room for late registrants, and the hotel will continue to accept bookings at the preferred rate on a space available basis. If you are interested in attending, please register for the conference and book your accommodations as soon as possible! VENUE The Turtle Bay Hilton Resort is located on the north shore of the island of Oahu. Honolulu is located on the south shore of Oahu. A link to the resort's web site is available by following the Hotel Information and Booking Form link above. Transportation Airport to Turtle Bay - approximately 1 hour Hotel Shuttle - Reservations must be made by 3:30pm, Hawaii time, at least one day prior. Call Turtle Bay Hilton, Assistant Manager - 808/293-1286 x23. Credit card needed to confirm reservations. Shuttle Timetable Depart Honolulu 7:45am 8:45am 9:45am 10:45am 1:!5pm 4:45pm Intl. Arrive Turtle 8:45am 9:45am 10:45am 11:45am 2:15pm 5:45pm Bay Depart Turtle 9:00am 10:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 2:30pm 6:00pm Bay Arrive Honolulu 10:00am 11:00am 12:00pm 1:00pm 3:30pm 7:00pm Intl. Airport pickup outside Baggage Claim area of your Airline. Rates: Registered Guest per person $30.00 + 1.25 = $31.25 (USD) Non Guest per person $95.00 + 3.96 = $ 98.96 (USD) Child (1-5 years) registered $15.00 + .62 = $15.62 (USD) Child ( 1-5 years) non guest $47.50 + 1.98 = $ 49.48 (USD) Limo - Northshore Limousine - 808/293-1447 Cost - $114.11 - includes tax & tip (USD) Call ahead to make reservations Taxi Ride - Cost $85 - $115 (USD) ENQUIRIES If you require any other information, please contact us at +1-650-857-3377 or send e-mail to