Patrick, I looked at the contributions and have some comments. 1. In H.233 why the new tag class, why don't you use 11 as the rest of H.233 messages. 2. By adding the new encryption algorithm you need a longer DH prime. In H.235 they have a table in annex D which is based on RFC2412. Do you think we should have the option to recommend the same numbers as H.235 does. Regards Roni Even
-----Original Message----- From: Patrick Luthi [mailto:patrick.luthi@TANDBERG.NO] Sent: Friday, August 30, 2002 1:54 AM To: ITU-SG16@echo.jf.INTEL.COM Subject: [Security] Enhancements to H.233 and H.234
Dear experts,
We would like to share with you 2 proposals for enhancements to H.233 and H.234 that we are planning to submit to the October meeting of SG16.
Enhancements to H.233: this contribution proposes to add the Triple Data Encryption Algorithm (TDEA or triple DES) and the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) to the list of algorithms in H.233 along with corrections of some inconsistencies.
Enhancements to H.234: this contribution proposes changes to H.234 to allow the exchange of asymmetric length of encryption keys.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions or comments! The plan would be to ask for Consent for both recommendations at the closing of the upcoming SG16.
Best regards,
_____________________________ Patrick Luthi Manager - Technical Standards Rapporteur (chairman) for the ITU-T multimedia systems, terminals and data-conferencing Experts group (Question 1/16) TANDBERG N-1366 Lysaker, Norway Phone: + 47 67 125 125 e-mail:
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