We need a few teleconf to finish work on Annex R before Geneva. I would like to start our first call Thur, Oct 12 at 11:30-12:30 EDT. I apologize for the short notice, but our working time is short. On that call we will talk about additional meeting times during October. I would like to have future calls on a day other than Thurs (either Tue or Wed), but I want to hold the first call at our previous meeting times. If you cannot meet this first call but wish to join later ones, send me email (not to the reflector) to suggest times that would be good for you. You will find a new draft of Annex R in out subdirectory of incoming on the draft server: ftp://standard.pictel.com/avc-site/incoming/Robustness-AHG/AnnexRdraft1010.doc I have revised the section order to better fit the format for Annexes, included Scope with our Introduction section and cleaned up several other sections, but there are still several areas that need our attention before it can be considered for determination in Geneva. Robustness Teleconf Oct 12 11:30 EDT (15:30 UT or GMT) Bridge Telephone Number: +1 630 713 3333 Conference Code: 255390 -- ------------------------------------------------------------ Terry L Anderson mailto:tla@lucent.com Tel:908.582.7013 Fax:908.582.6729 Pager:800.759.8352 pin 1704572 1704572@skytel.com Lucent Technologies/ Voice Over IP Access Networks/ Applications Grp Rm 2B-121, 600 Mountain Av, Murray Hill, NJ 07974 http://its.lucent.com/~tla (Lucent internal) http://www.gti.net/tla