Dear Sang-Gil Kim,
I have a plan to attend ITU-T SG16 WP1/WP2 meeting and submit a contribution to the meeting. I'd very appreciate if you could assign an APC number to the following contribution:
Source: Korea Telecom Title: "The necessity of standardization on reliable multicast protocol" Purpose: Information
Based on my assumption that you are submitting your document to the Q.12-14/16 Rapporteur meeting during 8-11 September, not to WP1/WP2 meeting on 12 September, APC-1308 has been allocated to the above contribution. Please note that the submission procedure is quite different if you are addressing the WP1/WP2 meeting. Best regards, Sakae OKUBO (Mr.) ******************************************************************** Graphics Communication Laboratories Phone: +81 3 5351 0181 6F ANNEX TOSHIN BLDG. Fax: +81 3 5351 0184 4-36-19 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo e-mail: 151 Japan ******************************************************************** Document registration for the Sunriver meeting (8-11 September 1997) These documents will be uploaded to: ftp://itu-t:sg15! and its mirror in the US: Please take a look at 9709_Sun.html for their availability. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Number Source Provisional Title --------------------------------------------------------------------- APC-1250 DAVIC CFP9 - IP based technologies APC-1251 CNET Proposal for the use of Reed-Solomon codes in H.321 terminals. Application in video satellite communications. Experimental results on real communications. APC-1252 Editor Draft ITU-T H.450.1 APC-1253 Editor Draft ITU-T H.450.2 APC-1254 Editor Draft ITU-T H.450.3 APC-1255 Editor Draft H.323 Version 2 APC-1256 Editor Draft H.332 APC-1257 Editor Draft H.225.0 Version 2 APC-1258 Editor Draft H.321 Version 2 APC-1259 Editor Draft H.310 Version 2 APC-1260 Editor Initial draft of H.bmultipoint APC-1261 Editor Draft Annex C to H.323 APC-1262 Microsoft et al Specific Text Changes for Enhanced DTMF Support APC-1263 CNET Proposal of an ATC class for terminal H.321 version2 APC-1264 Ascend More Accurate Call Information in the Direct Call Model APC-1265 Q13 Rap Overall DTMF Directions for H.323 APC-1266 Ascend et al Using H.323 call control for Fax over IP APC-1267 Databeam T.120 Security Requirements APC-1268 MPEG Proposed Liaison between DMIF adn ITU-T SG16 TD 38 Geneva March 1997, July 25, 1997 APC-1269 MPEG MPEG-4 Overview, July 1997 APC-1270 MPEG DMIF (Delivery Multimedia Integration Framework) ISO/IEC 14496-6 WD 1.0, July 1997 APC-1271 Siemens H.235: Message Integrity for the H.225.0 RAS channel - Revised APC-1272 Q.2931 Editor Prososed Changes to Q.2931 APC-1273 Vocaltec A URL for H.323 Calls APC-1274 Vocaltec A URL for RAS Requests APC-1275 Vocaltec ACF & LCF messages should contain Endpoint Type APC-1276 Vocaltec Using the transport layer address within H.323 PDUs for Transparent Firewall Operation APC-1277 Vocaltec DTMF Signaling with H.323 APC-1278 Vocaltec Access Tokens within H.323 APC-1279 Vocaltec Dynamic Change of IP Address in Registration APC-1280 Vocaltec A Progress UUIE for Answer Supervision APC-1281 Vocaltec ICF Message to Enable Reliability and Security APC-1282 Vocaltec Announcing a Q.931 message within an IRR APC-1283 Vocaltec H.245 Support for GSM Speech Codecs APC-1284 Vocaltec Corrections to the Endpoint Structure APC-1285 BT Use of H.245 in Supplementary Services APC-1286 BT Fast Call Setup with Minimal Change APC-1287 BT Extensions to H.323 for operation over Frame Relay APC-1288 BT Conversational URLs APC-1289 Editor H.MediaMIB Progress Report and Draft APC-1290 Editor Editors draft of H.235 APC-1291 Mitel Re-determination of Master-Slave Status APC-1292 Mitel Call Transfer with Consultation Call for Gatekeeper-Routed Model APC-1293 VideoServer Support of ConferenceAlias in H.323 Revision 2 APC-1294 VideoServer Observations on H.MediaMIB Draft APC-1295 Editor Draft H.246 APC-1296 Editor H.323 additions for H.245 Version 3 APC-1297 PictureTel General Comments and Proposals for H.323, H.225, H.245, and H.450.X APC-1298 Rap Q12 Proposed Amendments to the common text ITU-T Recommendation H.222.0|ISO/IEC 13818-1 APC-1299 Japan Proposed additions to H.310 and H.245 - procedures for intercommunication between H.310 RAST-1 and RAST-5 terminals APC-1300 Japan Proposed correction of Recommendation H.310 regarding the H.3230/H.321 interoperation mode stack of RAST-5 terminals APC-1301 Japan Audiovisual signal processing in H.bmultipoint Multipoint Processor APC-1302 Cisco QoS Control in H.323 Version 2 using RSVP APC-1303 IBM Text proposal for APC-1218 "Clarification on the H.323 Ad-Hoc Conferencing Expansion" APC-1304 PictureTel "replacementFor" Text APC-1305 Lucent H.245based, H.243-like conference session control for H.bmultipoint APC-1306 Intel Fast Connect Sequence for H.323 APC-1307 Intel RTP payload alignment for H.245/IETF APC-1308 Korea Telecom The necessity of standardization on reliable multicast protocol ---------------------------------------------------------------------