Dear all


Please find attached information sent on behalf of the ITU-T SG 17 Secretariat, concerning an upcoming ITU-T workshop, in particular the call for abstracts (deadline: 15 June 2010). More info at


Best regards,



From: Sebek, Boguslaw Georges
Sent: vendredi, 4. juin 2010 18:23
To: ''
Cc: TSBSG17, ITU; TSBworkshops, ITU
Subject: REMINDER - ITU-T Workshop on "Addressing security challenges on a global scale" - CALL FOR ABSTRACTS



Dear all,


Please find attached the call for abstracts for the workshop organized by SG 17 on 6-7 December 2010 in Geneva, prior to the SG 17 meeting. Note that the deadline for receiving abstracts is 15 June 2010.




Georges Sebek

SG 17 Secretariat


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