Hi Everyone: I have few comments on the revised Annex G writeup. 1. The title is OK 2. The scope is not OK. As we talked last time that the scope should be extended to include the following: * Inter-Gatekeeper Communications within a Domain * Inter-Gatekeeper Communications Between (Administrative) Domains 3. APC-1385 provides outlines for the "Inter-Gatekeeper Communications within a Domain". The write-up of Annex G should be modified accordingly. 4. The items 2 and 3 had been discussed in the last conference call. Are we going through a circle again? 5. The comments on the remaining text of the document will be reviewed when the fundamental direction of Annex G is put along the line as pointed out above. Recent AT&T's proposed contribution has also been submitted to complement the write-up in the area of "Inter-Gatekeeper Communications within a Domain". Thanks and regards, Radhika R. Roy AT&T Tel: +1 732 949 8657 Email: rrroy@att.com
---------- From: Glen Freundlich[SMTP:ggf@lucent.com] Reply To: ggf@lucent.com Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 1998 3:11 PM To: ITU-SG16@MAILBAG.INTEL.COM Subject: H.225.0 Annex G conference call
<<File: diff0201.zip>> There will be another conference call to discuss H.225.0 Annex G: date: 20 August (Thursday) time: 10:00am Mountain Time (9:00 Pacific, 12:00 Eastern, etc) bridge number: +1 630-224-4444 code: 911202 duration: 1 hour
Tentative agenda: - next call 27 August - review of Santo Wiryaman's proposal - review of Pete Cordell's proposal - review of Radhika Roy's proposal
Notes from last call: Most of the call was spent discussing an email from Radhika Roy. Some of the significant points are:
- The Annex G title (Communication Between Administrative Domains) was viewed as too restrictive. According to the Yokosuka meeting report, Annex G is to focus on communication between administrative domains. While some folks seem to believe that the currently proposed protocol is suitable for both inter-gatekeeper communication and communication between administrative domains, others seem to believe that these are 2 distinct problems.
- Annex G should address inter-gatekeeper communication and communication between administrative domains separately.
- The current direction of work does not seem to consider all possible architectures (hierarchical, distributed, hybrid), or at least the current Annex G does not adequately describe all possible architectures. In addition, no requirements appear to guide forming Annex G for each of these possible architectures.
Mr. Roy has promised a proposal to address some of his concerns.
Remember that this work will progress with proposals.
For those who were on the last call, please correct me if I've missed something.
-- Glen Freundlich ggf@lucent.com Lucent Technologies office: +1 303 538 2899 11900 N. Pecos fax: +1 303 538 3907 Westminster, Colorado 80234 USA