There are 6 contributions from Huawei for the coming ITU-T SG16 rapporteur meeting, the provisional titles as follow:
    1. Requirement for real-time acquisition & analysis of existing capability about QoS
    2. New package H.248.ERTP to support periodic AuditValue about QoS
    3. New package H.248.QOSPR to support periodic Notify about QoS
    4. Universal resetting mechanism for in-service parameter
    5. Gate Control mechanism for IP domain connection
    6. Revised draft of new H.PROXY
Please allocate the AVD-number for above contributions. Thank you very much!
                                                                                With best regards,
----- Original Message -----
From: OKUBO Sakae
Sent: Thursday, November 10, 2005 11:56 AM
Subject: Request for document registration

Dear experts of SG16 WP2 Questions,

This is to request your early registration of the input contributions
to the coming Rappoeteur meeting during 28 November - 2 December,
even if their titles are provisional. We need more input documents to
get SG16 management's approval for holding this meeting.

The current list of registered documents can be found at:

Best regards,

Visiting Professor
Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Waseda University
Waseda University, YRP Ichibankan 312        Tel: +81 46 847 5406
3-4 Hikarinooka, Yokosuka-shi, Kanagawa-ken  Fax: +81 46 847 5413
239-0847 Japan
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