Hi all, I would like some feedback from the video experts for a contribution I wish to make to expand SupportedProtocols, which has recently been added for use in ARQ, LRQ, SETUP, and Annex G Access Request messages. (ref: D-347 of 0200_Gen) "desiredProtocols - Identifies the type of protocols, in order of preference, the originating endpoint desires for its call (e.g., voice or fax). A resolving entity may use this field to locate an endpoint that also supports the protocol, giving consideration to the order of preference." Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems that the objective of this addition, as documented in D-347 is not fully achieved, since video capabilities cannot be expressed. (it also strikes me that *protocols* may not be the best description of the capabilities being negotiated here.) If we were to complete the proposal, the change would probably look as below. My specific question to the video experts: What should the VideoCaps structure contain and how would it be used (clearly we do not intend to replace H.245 here). Thus, is there any good reason to conform to the structure of VoiceCaps - including the location of the '...' and the inclusion of 'SupportedPrefixes' ? (is it ever used ?) SupportedProtocols ::= CHOICE { nonStandardData NonStandardParameter, h310 H310Caps, h320 H320Caps, h321 H321Caps, h322 H322Caps, h323 H323Caps, h324 H324Caps, voice VoiceCaps, t120-only T120OnlyCaps, ..., nonStandardProtocol NonStandardProtocol, t38FaxAnnexbOnly T38FaxAnnexbOnlyCaps ---BEGIN , video VideoCaps ---END } VoiceCaps ::= SEQUENCE { nonStandardData NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL, ..., dataRatesSupported SEQUENCE OF DataRate OPTIONAL, supportedPrefixes SEQUENCE OF SupportedPrefix } ---BEGIN VideoCaps ::= SEQUENCE { nonStandardData NonStandardParameter OPTIONAL, ..., dataRatesSupported SEQUENCE OF DataRate OPTIONAL, supportedPrefixes SEQUENCE OF SupportedPrefix } ---END Boaz Michaely Senior System Architect, Corporate Comverse Network Systems Tel: +972 (3) 766-3844 , Mobile +972 (51) 62-58-44 mailto:boaz.michaely@ties.itu.int http://people.itu.int/~michaely ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For help on this mail list, send "HELP ITU-SG16" in a message to listserv@mailbag.intel.com