This material now appears as COM16-D305.
-----Original Message----- From: Sakae OKUBO [SMTP:okubo@GITI.OR.JP] Sent: Monday, May 10, 1999 10:11 PM To: ITU-SG16@MAILBAG.INTEL.COM Subject: Input from ATMF
Dear Q.12-14/16 experts,
A possible input to the SG16 meeting from ATMF
"Gateway for H.323 Media Transport Over ATM" AF-SAA-0124.000, Final Ballot, May, 1999
has been placed at the ftp site: or
Please note that its type of the document (liaison, Nortel Delayed Contribution, TD, ...) is not known yet.
Best regards,
Sakae OKUBO (Mr.)
Waseda Research Center Telecommunications Advancement Organization of Japan (TAO) 5th Floor, Nishi-Waseda Bldg. 1-21-1 Nishi-Waseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-0051 Japan Tel: +81 3 5286 3830 Fax: +81 3 5287 7287 e-mail: