Call for Papers 2nd IP Telephony Workshop April 2-3, 2001 - Columbia University, New York City Objectives ---------- Internet telephony is rapidly evolving from research to design and deployment. The objectives of the IP Telephony Workshop are to bring together researchers, developers, vendors and service providers active in this area and stimulate discussion on innovation, research, implementation, deployment experiences and future directions. Scope & Topics -------------- Original technical articles related to IP telephony are solicited. Only papers with significant technical content, not "white papers" or tutorials, will be considered for publication: - Research papers (unique ideas, novel algorithms, architectures, measurements, theoretical and/or analytical contributions) - Surveys, state-of-the-art studies, technology comparisons - Implementation and deployment reports - Standardization reports Particular areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: - Integration with Internet services (e.g., web, instant messaging, games) - Added-value services (e.g., call centers, conferencing) - Mobility and 3rd generation wireless - Authentication, authorization, accounting, charging, settlement - QoS support - Security (e.g., privacy, authentication, certification authorities, firewall traversal) - Call signaling & processing - Feature creation - Supporting services (e.g., call routing, lookup services) - Audio & video encoding and transmission - Management and provisioning - Interworking with the PSTN - Design and deployment considerations (e.g., performance, scalability, reliability) Important Dates --------------- Full paper due November 27th, 2000 Notification of acceptance January 12th, 2001 Final version due January 31st, 2001 Program published and February 5th, 2001 registration opens Workshop April 2nd-3rd, 2001 iptel2001 Organizing Committee ------------------------------ Program Chair H. Schulzrinne Columbia University Program Committee M. Arango Sun Microsystems F. Baker Cisco W. Bauerfeld T-Nova G. Bond AT&T Research S. Bradner Harvard University G. Carle GMD FOKUS J. Crowcroft UCL C. Huitema Microsoft G. S. Kuo National Central University, Taiwan J. Kuthan GMD Fokus T. Magedanz IKV++ GmbH W. Marshall AT&T Research K. Mehdi University of Kansas D. Oran Cisco J. Ott University of Bremen T. La Porta Bell Labs B. Rosen Marconi J. Rosenberg dynamicsoft H. Sinnreich MCI WorldCom R. Steinmetz Technical University of Darmstadt H. Stüttgen NEC CCRLE W. Wimmreuter Siemens L. Wolf University of Karlsruhe A. Wolisz Technical University of Berlin M. Zitterbart Technical University of Braunschweig Submission Instructions ----------------------- Authors are invited to submit full papers written in English before November 27th, 2000. The submissions will be reviewed, and accepted papers will be included in the program. Notifications of acceptance will be sent out on January 12th, 2000. Deadline for submission of camera-ready copies is January 31st, 2001. Authors of accepted papers will need to sign a Copyright Transfer Form and submit a Netbib entry. Papers must be submitted electronically using the Web site at Submissions must be in PDF or Postscript; any other documents cannot be accepted. Postscript papers must use only standard PostScript fonts: Times Roman, Courier, Symbol, and Helvetica. Papers must be formatted according to the IEEE Transactions format except for the font size, which MUST be 11pt. Templates are available at the Web site Because of the size limitation on the final manuscript, and to ensure that the reviewed paper and the final version have a similar size, papers with more than 11 pages cannot be reviewed. Submissions must include: title, authors, affiliation, abstract, list of keywords, and contact information. One of the authors of each accepted paper must present the paper at iptel'2001. Contact Address --------------- Please, send all your inquiries regarding iptel2001 to ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For help on this mail list, send "HELP ITU-SG16" in a message to