Hello, The September ITU-T SG16 Questions 2, 3, 5, 12, 21 and 22/16 Rapporteur's meeting is rapidly approaching. I will soon (this week) be asking the Study Group 16 management for approval to hold the meeting. One of the inputs into the decision is the number of intended participants and another is the number of contributions. We need to have sufficient numbers to make the meeting worthwhile. If you haven't already registered your interest in attending the meeting can you please ASAP please send an e-mail to Christian Groves <Christian.Groves@nteczone.com>, providing the family name, given name, company name, and e-mail address of person(s) attending. Please also include which questions you have an interest in. Can you please also indicate how many contributions you intend on submitting and to which question? Ideally it would be good to register the title of the documents according to the preliminary meeting notice: http://wftp3.itu.int/av-arch/avc-site/2009-2012/1209_Bri/Notice_1209_Bri.txt Regards, Christian Groves Meeting Organiser