Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 11:12:27 -0400 From: (Gary Sullivan) To: Subject: [wg5-3: 2824] Q15: Amd. Administratrivia II Santiago May 99 Sender: Precedence: bulk ITU-T Advanced Video Coding Experts Group (Q.15/SG16) Email from (Gary Sullivan): A forwarded message from our Working Party Chairman: -Gary S.
----------------------------------------- From: Simao Campos <> Subject: [Q.20/16] Amd. Administratrivia II Santiago May 99 Date: Sat, 17 Apr 1999 09:52:00 -0400
Dear colleagues, Fixing an error and a clarification on my previous messgae. Simao -- A quick update for the upcoming SG 16 meeting: - the workshop has been confirmed for the 17th May, for those interested in attending. Also, please notice that there will be a SG 16 Welcome dinner on Wed May 19 and a farewell lunch on Sat May 29. - now you can submit contributions to the ITU via a WEB browser. Fill in the form at . See for a Q&A on submission methods, and TSB Circular Letter 182 as well (a must-see) -- check at - Also, please be sure to use the appropriate ITU-provided templates (see and A4 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ paper size when composing you documents. Also, be aware that documents prepared with Word 97, even if saved in the Word 6/95 format, may loose information when read by Word 95 [aka Word 7] (even though it may *look* OK in Word 97!!!). This is especially true if you try to use the Word 97 embedded drawing tools. DON'T! INSTEAD, use an external drawing package and import the picture into the document. And always provide them as individual files to the ITU, when you submit the document. When in doubt, also provided the ITU with a printable version of your document, e.g. postscript or Acrobat .PDF files. I had this grief many times, not to mention that it took me time to make sure some other people's documents had their missing figures recovered. So please, be careful, or your document may show up not exactly as you hoped for ... :-) NOTE on templates: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If they look funny on your screen, try the following in Windows95/NT: exit Word, then open Control Panel, double-click Regional Settings, select the tab "Number". Go to the last item in the menu ("LIst Separator") and change whatever character is in there (probably a comma ",") to a semi-colon (";"). Click OK, reopen the template; it should look "familiar" now. That's what I had for the moment. Any questions or problems, drop me a line. Best regards, Simao Campos-Neto ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- *** ITU-T Advanced Video Coding Experts Group (Q.15/SG16) Email List Message *** To send messages, address them to "". To subscribe or unsubscribe, send email to "". Note: Only people whose exact email address is subscribed to the list can post. Subscriptions: "subscribe itu-adv-video YOUR-EMAIL-ADDRESS" in message body. Unsubscriptions: "unsubscribe itu-adv-video YOUR-EMAIL-ADDRESS" in message body. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----