Hi All, Administrative Domain I think is a Service provider's system. The word HOME should be left out because the Administrative Domain can apply anywhere. Therefore, one could say the "Administrative Domain" of the Serving (network or zone or GK), or the "Administrative Domain" of the Visited (network or zone or GK), or the "Administrative Domain" of the Transit (network or zone or GK), etc,. The Administrative Domain has no functions it can apply for fixed or mobile networks, nor does it need any protocol to support it. On the other Hand!!! As Paul pointed out the VLF,HLF and AuF are boxes with specific functions. In this case we can define the Home functions, Authorization functions Visited functions for each box. We can also have Home or Visited GK boxes with specific functions.
From Paul's meeting notes:
"The editor, will also consider to add some text to explain the boxes VLF,HLF and AuF, if these are also included in the new version of Annex H." Jaakko Sundquist wrote:
Hi Radhika & Laurent,
See my comments embedded...
The contributions and explanations have been provided why "Home" is needed in the same context of "Home" domain.
The Home Administrative Domain came about because it seemed a good idea to bind the subscription of a User to some administrative entity (such as an operator). At the same time we have defined the HLF as the only place in which location information about the user can always be found (albeit clearer definitions about this information are still needed). Thus the domain containing the HLF of the user was in effect defined as the Home Administrative Domain of the user.
If we do not accept the "home" for GK, zone and home network address, we have serious problems to accept the word "home" in any place of mobility whether it is "home" Adm domain.
I do not follow your reasoning above at all. Concidering a home GK or zone, I can understand that they may be needed if the service execution is done in the "home" of the user, i.e. all calls for a user would be controlled by the same GK, namely the home GK of the user. For service execution in the Visited Administrative Domain, I do not see any reason, why the concept of a home GK would be needed. Furthermore, if a concept is not definitely needed, I will not want to define it. I also feel we need to examine and define the "service execution in the home environment" or "virtual home environment" model better, so that everyone understands, what it is all about. As for the need for a home Network Point of Attachment, I am waiting for your contribution that clarifies, why we would need it.
I have very a serious objection with your idea that the word home should not be used. If it is so, let us NOT use "home" anywhere in the document.
The point is that so far, if I understand Laurent correctly, neither he or I have accepted the concepts of home GK or home Network Point of Attachment. Those are the terms that we would not like to see in the picture.
It is an OPTION to use "home". If anyone does NOT like it, they may NOT use it. Time and again, it has been shown why it is needed.
It will be very difficult to make any meaningful progress unless we are in consistent in defining term terms.
I like to see contributions explaining why "Home" should NOT be used.
I do not want to see contributions telling what terms SHOULD NOT be defined, I want to see contributions telling why some terms SHOULD be defined. So far I haven't seen such contributions on home NPoA and I'm still not sure about the home GK either.
-- Edgar Martinez - Principal Staff Engineer Email mailto:martinze@cig.mot.com FAX 1-847-632-3145 - - Voice 1-847-632-5278 1501 West Shure Drive, Arlington Hgts. IL 60004 Public: TIPHON & Other Stds - http://people.itu.int/~emartine/ Private:TIPHON & Other Stds - http://www.cig.mot.com/~martinze/