Hi! [I first would like to appologize if this is the wrong forum to direct our ITU-standard question in, please inform me if it is inproper] The question concern implementation of Call Forwarding, i.e. ITU-std H450.1 and H450-2. We are planning to implement Call Forwarding support into a telephonysystem using IP-telephony based support(i.e. H323 and similar). The standard for Call Forwarding is described/defined in H450.1 and H450-2 (and others). The problem is that we need to parse the ASN syntax into true implementation files (.h/.c/.cpp) but we have failed in finding a ASN parser that supports the specific syntax in H450.1 and H450-2. Is there a ASN parser that can "compile" the H450.1 and H450-2 (and preferable higher H450:s) standard protocols? Are there any "true" alternatives (beside using H450.2 and H450-2) when implementing Call Forwarding? Are there any other developers that has implemented Call Forwarding that would like to share their experiences with us? Thanks in advance! Sincerely Mikael Grehn System Developer Envilogg Datateknik AB Sweden ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For help on this mail list, send "HELP ITU-SG16" in a message to listserv@mailbag.intel.com