I have found conflicting descriptions of canonical names. A.6.4.1/H.225.0v3 says, "The CNAME item should have the format 'user@host'...," and then goes on to talk about alternative forms. However, the cname field in RTPSession, which is referenced by the audio and video components of IRR's perCallInfo, is of type, PrintableString. But guess what? The "@" character is not valid for PrintableString! The problem occurs when an EP receives a properly formed canonical name (via an RTCP sender report) containing "@", e.g., "plong@wkstation3", and is subsequently required to disclose this name in an IRR. It currently has to modify the name before encoding it by, for example, replacing the "@" character with "-", as in "plong-wkstation3" or removing the user-name portion of the name, leaving just the host name, as in "wkstation3", but then it is not accurately reporting the canonical name. Anyone know how to fix this in H.225.0? Paul Long Smith Micro Software, Inc.