Hello all! I would like to bring up this issue once again in order to finally resolve it. Following the prolong discussions on this mailing list and despite our (RADVision's) original view on this issue, we vote for correcting the already published H.323v.3 to include the definitions of the H.323v.2 Implementers Guide. We believe that this direction will lead to the least harmful situation for the currently installed and operating database (and will keep the tradition of H.323 Implementers Guide intact :)) We feel that moving the solution for H.323v.4 (by deprecating both of the current definitions and by introducing a new one) will result in unnecessary overhead for all H.323 versions starting from now.
From RADVison's perspective, we must achieve the final resolution on this issue immediately in order to be able to provide a fully compliant and interoperable H.323v.3 implementation for all. Best Regards, Orit Levin RADVision Inc. TEL: 201.529.4300 x 230 FAX:201.529.3516 mailto:orit@radvision.com http://www.radvision.com 575 Corporate Drive Suite 420 Mahwah, NJ 07430
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