No, unfortunately the interpretation is not correct. The introduction of AAP has been approved by the WTSA, but is just under implementation now. So, up to now no real AAP voting was sent out. I don't know when the actual start would be launched. Maybe in 4-6 more weeks? This is a guess only... Regards, Istvan -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Istvan Sebestyen Siemens AG, ICN M SR 3, Hofmannstr. 51, D-81359 Munich, Germany Tel:+49-89-722-47230 Fax:+49-89-722-47713 E-Mail office: istvan.sebestyen@icn.siemens.de; istvan@sebestyen.de E-mail private: istvan_sebestyen@yahoo.com; Siemens Intranet:http://intranet.icn.siemens.de/marketing/cs27/ Siemens FTP: ftp://mchhpn006a.mch.pn.siemens.de/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------
---------- From: Klaghofer Karl ICN EN HC SE 81 Reply To: Klaghofer Karl ICN EN HC SE 81 Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 11:48 AM To: ITU-SG16@mailbag.cps.intel.com Subject: Status of "AAP" approved standards ?
Dear all,
What is the status of the documents that had been approved in the November SG16 Meeting in Geneva "based on consent", i.e. approved according to the new Alternative Approval Process (AAP) - like e.g. H.450.10, H.450.11, H.323 Annex L,...
Since AAP approval is now two months ago (and I did not see any discussions/objections on those documents at least on this mailing list), they should now be official ITU-T standards ? Can anyone (maybe the Rapporteurs) confirm my interpretation ?
Thanks, Karl Klaghofer Siemens AG karl.klaghofer@icn.siemens.de
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