Dear all


For your information.


Best regards,



-----Original Message-----

From: Rick Reed TSE []

Sent: vendredi, 18. juin 2010 14:53

To: sg17all; sg17q13; sg17q12; sg17q13; sg17q14; sg17wp3

Subject: SAM2010 Call for Papers


Dear Colleagues,


As chairman of the SDL Forum Society, I am pleased to announce the call for papers for SAM2010, which can found at <> and in text at the end of this email. SAM2010 focuses on languages covered by several SG17 Questions. SAM provides publicity for these ITU-T languages. A report on the event will be provided to the next SG17 meeting.


As details of the event are being refined, information will be updated at <>.


NOTE: This is being sent to several SG17 lists at ITU-T, so you may receive this email more than once - apologies for repetition. Similar emails are also being sent to other lists - again apologies for repetition.



Rick Reed -

Tel:+44 15394 88462 Mob.:+44 7970 50 96 50

Skype: rickreed_windermere (by arrangement)



                        CALL FOR PAPERS






                4th-5th October 2010, Oslo, Norway


                   Co-located satellite event of

                            MODELS 2010





The workshop provides an open arena for participants from academia and industry to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, experiences and concerns in modelling, specification, and analysis of distributed, communication and real-time systems. In particular, it addresses SDL, MSC, and related languages such as UML, ASN.1, TTCN, and URN.


The SAM workshop originates from the use of languages and techniques for telecommunications applications, whereas MODELS has a background in the application of UML. However, UML is also used for telecommunications and the languages standardized by ITU-T (ASN.1, SDL, TTCN, URN) are also used for other applications. The 2010 MODELS conference week is a unique oppor- tunity to attend both of these events with overlapping domains of interest.




Aug.   2nd 2010: Paper submission deadline

Aug.  30rd 2010: Notification of authors

Sep.   6th 2010: Poster and exhibit proposal deadline

Sep.  20th 2010: Camera-ready version due Oct. 4-5th 2010: Workshop




The sixth edition of the workshop will cover the following non-exclusive list of topics:


* Language profiles

 - domain-specific language profiles

 - standardization of language profiles

 - modular language design

 - tool support

* Evolution of development languages

 - language extensions and semantics

 - evaluation of languages

 - real-time

 - performance

 - tool support

* Model-driven development

 - systems engineering, including embedded systems

 - analysis and simulation of models

 - model transformations

 - reuse approaches

 - systematic testing

 - tool support

* Application of SDL, MSC, and related languages (e.g., UML, ASN.1, TTCN,


 - industrial usage reports

 - standardization activities

 - experiences from education

 - domain-specific applicability (e.g., in automotive, aerospace,


 - tool support





Submissions in the following categories are solicited:

- Full papers describing original, unpublished results

- Short papers, describing work in progress

- Position statements

- Posters and exhibits


See for details.




As with previous SAM workshops, SAM 2010 papers will be published as post-event proceedings in the LNCS series by Springer ( after an additional review.




The 2010 Systems Analysis and Modelling (SAM) workshop is a co-located satellite event of MODELS 2010, and is co-sponsored by the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM), the Special Interest Group in Software Engineering (SIGSOFT) IEEE Computer Society (IEEE CS) and the SDL Forum Society.


Programme Co-Chairs

- Frank Alexander Kraemer (Norwegian University of Science and Technology,


- Peter Herrmann (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU)


SDL Forum Society

- Rick Reed (Chairman)

- Reinhard Gotzhein (Secretary)

- Martin von Löwis (Treasurer)



- Øystein Haugen (SINTEF, University of Oslo)


Program Committee

- Daniel Amyot (University of Ottawa)

- Rolv Braek (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)

- Reinhard Brocks (HTW Saarland)

- Laurent Doldi (Isoscope)

- Anders Ek (IBM)

- Jacqueline Floch (SINTEF)

- Pau Fonseca i Casas (Universitat politècnia de Catalunya)

- Emmanuel Gaudin (Pragmadev)

- Reinhard Gotzhein (University of Kaiserslautern)

- Peter Graubmann (Siemens)

- Øystein Haugen (SINTEF, University of Oslo)

- Peter Herrmann (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)

- Dieter Hogrefe (University of Goettingen)

- Ferhat Khendek (Concordia University)

- Alexander Kraas (Fraunhofer Institute for Communication Systems (ESK))

- Frank Alexander Kraemer (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)

- Finn Kristoffersen (Cinderella ApS)

- Anna Medve (University of Pannonia)

- Pedro Merino (University of Malaga)

- Gunter Mussbacher    (University of Ottawa)

- Birger Møller-Pedersen (University of Oslo)

- Ileana Ober (IRIT ­ University of Toulouse)

- Javier Poncela González (University of Malaga)

- Andreas Prinz    (University of Agder)

- Rick Reed (TSE)

- Richard Sanders (SINTEF)

- Amardeo Sarma (NEC Laboratories Europe)

- Bran Selic (Malina Software Corp.)

- Edel Sherratt    (University of Wales, Aberystwyth)

- Thomas Weigert (University of Missouri-Rolla)

- Frank Weil (UniqueSoft)


See for details.
