Dear SG16 colleagues, Attached please find an updated list of APC document registration. Please note that I have registered APC-1298 from Q.12 Rapporteur, three contributions (APC-1299, 1300, 1301) from Japan, and APC-1302, 1303, 1304 in response to the following requests: Dear Mr. Petrack,
if it is possible to change the titles in the text file and the html file in accordance with the titles below.
This has been actioned. Dear Mr. Hussein Salama,
Would you please assign an APC number to a contribution from Cisco Systems to the SG16 Sunriver meeting. the contribution is titled: "QoS Control in H.323 Version 2 using RSVP." It is an updated version of the APC we presented at the previous meeting.
APC-1302 has been allocated to your contribution. Dear Mr. Linh Truong,
I'd very appreciate if you could give me an APC number for the following contribution: Source: IBM, Title: "Text proposal for APC-1218 "Clarification on the H.323 Ad-Hoc Conferencing Expansion" ", Purpose: proposal.
APC-1303 has been allocated to your contribution. Dear Mr. Lindbergh,
I plan to request an APC number and post the final version late this week;
Please use APC-1304 for your contribution. Best regards, Sakae OKUBO (Mr.) ******************************************************************** Graphics Communication Laboratories Phone: +81 3 5351 0181 6F ANNEX TOSHIN BLDG. Fax: +81 3 5351 0184 4-36-19 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo e-mail: 151 Japan ******************************************************************** Document registration for the Sunriver meeting (8-11 September 1997) These documents will be uploaded to: ftp://itu-t:sg15! and its mirror in the US: Please take a look at 9709_Sun.html for their availability. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Number Source Provisional Title --------------------------------------------------------------------- APC-1250 DAVIC CFP9 - IP based technologies APC-1251 CNET Proposal for the use of Reed-Solomon codes in H.321 terminals. Application in video satellite communications. Experimental results on real communications. APC-1252 Editor Draft ITU-T H.450.1 APC-1253 Editor Draft ITU-T H.450.2 APC-1254 Editor Draft ITU-T H.450.3 APC-1255 Editor Draft H.323 Version 2 APC-1256 Editor Draft H.332 APC-1257 Editor Draft H.225.0 Version 2 APC-1258 Editor Draft H.321 Version 2 APC-1259 Editor Draft H.310 Version 2 APC-1260 Editor Initial draft of H.bmultipoint APC-1261 Editor Draft Annex C to H.323 APC-1262 Microsoft et al Specific Text Changes for Enhanced DTMF Support APC-1263 CNET Proposal of an ATC class for terminal H.321 version2 APC-1264 Ascend More Accurate Call Information in the Direct Call Model APC-1265 Q13 Rap Overall DTMF Directions for H.323 APC-1266 Ascend et al Using H.323 call control for Fax over IP APC-1267 Databeam T.120 Security Requirements APC-1268 MPEG Proposed Liaison between DMIF adn ITU-T SG16 TD 38 Geneva March 1997, July 25, 1997 APC-1269 MPEG MPEG-4 Overview, July 1997 APC-1270 MPEG DMIF (Delivery Multimedia Integration Framework) ISO/IEC 14496-6 WD 1.0, July 1997 APC-1271 Siemens H.235: Message Integrity for the H.225.0 RAS channel - Revised APC-1272 Q.2931 Editor Prososed Changes to Q.2931 APC-1273 Vocaltec A URL for H.323 Calls APC-1274 Vocaltec A URL for RAS Requests APC-1275 Vocaltec ACF & LCF messages should contain Endpoint Type APC-1276 Vocaltec Using the transport layer address within H.323 PDUs for Transparent Firewall Operation APC-1277 Vocaltec DTMF Signaling with H.323 APC-1278 Vocaltec Access Tokens within H.323 APC-1279 Vocaltec Dynamic Change of IP Address in Registration APC-1280 Vocaltec A Progress UUIE for Answer Supervision APC-1281 Vocaltec ICF Message to Enable Reliability and Security APC-1282 Vocaltec Announcing a Q.931 message within an IRR APC-1283 Vocaltec H.245 Support for GSM Speech Codecs APC-1284 Vocaltec Corrections to the Endpoint Structure APC-1285 BT Use of H.245 in Supplementary Services APC-1286 BT Fast Call Setup with Minimal Change APC-1287 BT Extensions to H.323 for operation over Frame Relay APC-1288 BT Conversational URLs APC-1289 Editor H.MediaMIB Progress Report and Draft APC-1290 PictureTel Transaction TCP for Improved H.323 Signaling APC-1291 Mitel Re-determination of Master-Slave Status APC-1292 Mitel Call Transfer with Consultation Call for Gatekeeper-Routed Model APC-1293 VideoServer Support of ConferenceAlias in H.323 Revision 2 APC-1294 VideoServer Observations on H.MediaMIB Draft APC-1295 Editor Draft H.246 APC-1296 Editor H.323 additions for H.245 Version 3 APC-1297 PictureTel General Comments and Proposals for H.323, H.225, H.245, and H.450.X APC-1298 Rap Q12 Proposed Amendments to the common text ITU-T Recommendation H.222.0|ISO/IEC 13818-1 APC-1299 Japan Proposed additions to H.310 and H.245 - procedures for intercommunication between H.310 RAST-1 and RAST-5 terminals APC-1300 Japan Proposed correction of Recommendation H.310 regarding the H.3230/H.321 interoperation mode stack of RAST-5 terminals APC-1301 Japan Audiovisual signal processing in H.bmultipoint Multipoint Processor APC-1302 Cisco QoS Control in H.323 Version 2 using RSVP APC-1303 IBM Text proposal for APC-1218 "Clarification on the H.323 Ad-Hoc Conferencing Expansion" APC-1304 PictureTel "replacementFor" Text ---------------------------------------------------------------------