Yes, there is only one editor. Suggestions are given to the editor and ITU-T SG16 members via contributions. Radhika R. Roy AT&T
---------- From: Jim Toga[SMTP:jim.toga@intel.com] Sent: Friday, September 11, 1998 11:24 AM To: Roy, Radhika R, ALINT; Andrew Draper; Chris Purvis WVdevmt-WS; Douglas Clowes; Gene Schroeder; Hal Purdy; Joon Maeng; Kaynam Hedayat; Korpi Markku PN VS LP3; Kumar, Vineet; Mayer, Paul G; Michele Bozier WVdevmt-WS; Nancy-M Greene; Orit Levin; Paul E. Jones; Pete Cordell; Santo Wiryaman; Sengodan Senthil NRC/Boston; Sree Peyyety; Youngho Lim; 'ggf@lucent.com' Subject: RE: H.225 Annex G
My assumption was that there was only one editor....
At 08:59 AM 9/11/98 -0400, Roy, Radhika R, ALINT wrote:
Thanks for the update.
I have also a plan to present a complete version of the modified Annex G along the line as I proposed earlier as this version appears to be incomplete considering the facts that has described in my proposed outlines of Annex G document (as well clarifications made in the subsequent emails).
Regards, Radhika
---------- From: Glen Freundlich[SMTP:ggf@lucent.com] Reply To: ggf@lucent.com Sent: Thursday, September 10, 1998 12:48 AM To: Andrew Draper; Chris Purvis WVdevmt-WS; Douglas Clowes; Gene Schroeder; ggf; Hal Purdy; Jim Toga; Joon Maeng; Kaynam Hedayat; Korpi Markku PN VS LP3; Kumar, Vineet; Mayer, Paul G; Michele Bozier WVdevmt-WS; Nancy-M Greene; Orit Levin; Paul E. Jones; Pete Cordell; Roy, Radhika R, ALTEC; Santo Wiryaman; Sengodan Senthil NRC/Boston; Sree Peyyety; Youngho Lim Subject: H.225 Annex G
<<File: annexg.zip>> Attached is my first attempt at Annex G. I'm sure I've omitted things or misrepresented things, so please review this and send your comments as soon as possible. I'd like to get another version around for comments before I distribute it to the SG16 list.
p.s.: I've sent this only to the group of people who have been on the conference calls.
-- Glen Freundlich ggf@lucent.com Lucent Technologies office: +1 303 538 2899 11900 N. Pecos fax: +1 303 538 3907 Westminster, Colorado 80234 USA
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