Hi Jim, Is there any good reason why docs cannot be distributed in a more cross-platform form such as PDF? Some people use Linux these days you know:) J
Attached is the updated text from the Implementers guide that incorporates the comments that I got back from the previous posting. Specifically it includes elements from Espen Skjaeran, Dave Walker and Karl Klaghofer.
Any final comments ASAP to me.
Best Regards, jimt. MetaTel - Boston, MA mailto:jim.toga@metatel.com +1-781-891-9000 PGP keyID E746 1CE4 CEC0 C91E 7190 65CA 70B1 B1D2 6A1E A2B7
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Name: TD-implementers guide.doc TD-implementers guide.doc Type: Microsoft Word Document (application/msword) Encoding: base64 Download Status: Not downloaded with message