Maybe someone can help Mr Syed Ali?

From: []
Sent: 03 April 2007 11:49
To: Campos, Simao
Subject: Need protocol stacks and codecs for IP & ISDN based video conferencing

    I am Syed from Wipro Technologies.
    We are developing a product which is having Video Conferencing functionality. This product is aiming the Global business market and the no.of units we are aiming is more than 1000 per year. So we are looking for a good vendor to purchase protocol stacks and codecs for Video Conference.First let me explain our requirements.
    Our Project is Non Medical Devices Controller. The system will control all the non medical devices like Room light, Fan , A/C, Camera and etc. Video Conferencing is one of the module.  We are going to implement Video Conferencing through IP & ISDN based networks. If we are implementing video conferencing module using your Protocol Stack, it should be able to communicate world wide with the existing video conferencing systems like EyeCatcher, TANDBERG , Polycom, vcon and etc.
1) The protocols stack should support Windows XP Professional & Windows XP Embedded and drivers.
2) The protocol stack should have all the protocols to do Video Conferencing through IP & ISDN based networks. And Firewall,NAT support also.
3) If the protocol require any dependencies, then we are expecting the vendor to provide the same at the time of purchase and at the time of building our complete system.
4) We need Audio & Video codecs which are applicable to the Video Conferencing.
5) Complete Source codes, API reference documents and support.

1) Suppose if we are going to use the protocol stack, what are all the hardware & software requirements?
2) Will the protocol stack support only a particular system or it can able to communicate with other vendor's video conferencing system also?
3) Will the stack support upgradation facility? For Ex: Let us assume we have built the video conferencing system using the protocol stack for IP & ISDN networks. If we need to use Video Conferencing in other networks say PSTN , will the vendor provide protocol stack upgradation for that?
4) Can we use the protocol stack in other Operating systems like linux ?
5) In which format the protocol stacks would be?  Libraries/ Source codes?
6) Will the protocol stack package include Test/Debugging support ? Sample applications ?
7) What are all the Audio & Video codecs required to do the Video Conferencing? and what are all available with the vendor?

    We require,
 1) Protocol stacks for IP based Video Conferencing
 2) Protocol stacks for ISDN based Video Conferencing
 3) Audio & Video codecs

        We are looking for vendors who are selling the same. Please send the details according to our requirements.
M. Syed Ali,
Project Engineer,
Wipro Technologies, Cochin, India.
Ph : +91 (0) 484 305 4439

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