8 Apr
8 Apr
8:04 a.m.
Dear Mr. Okubo, and Q.12-14 Experts, I have uploaded APC-1337 (Draft Recommendation H.bmultipoint) and APC-1358 (Network configuration of Yokosuka Rapporteur Meeting) into avc-site/Incoming directory. If you have any problem on opening those files, please let me know. APC-1337 is created by Microsoft Word Version 7.0. APC-1358 is created by Microsoft Word 97 SR-1 and saved as Word 5.x format. Best regards, Hidenobu Harasaki harasaki@ccm.CL.nec.co.jp Principal Researcher C&C Media Research Labs., NEC Corporation Phone: +81 44 856 8083 Fax: +81 44 856 2232