Paul, It may be proper for to have the terminal parse the user dialed number and place the structured results in the partyNumber. And then to also place the user dialed number in the E164 address. This would give the best possible results. However, H.323 should be modified to require the use of partyNumber first, if present, and use E164 alias. Bob ------------------------------------------------------------------ Robert Callaghan Siemens Information & Communication Networks Tel: +1.561.997.3756 Fax: +1.561.997.3403 Email: Robert.Callaghan@ICN.Siemens.com ------------------------------------------------------------------ -----Original Message----- From: Paul Long [mailto:Plong@SMITHMICRO.COM] Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 1999 1:57 PM To: ITU-SG16@mailbag.cps.intel.com Subject: Re: e164 vs. partyNumber aliases Okay, but what is the status of the e164 alias? For example, if a user enters a "telephone number" at a v1 EP, it must be provided as an e164 alias. Will all other entities continue to recognize this as a telephone number? Now if a user does the same thing at a v2 EP, can the number be provided as an e164 alias _or_ a partyNumber? Will all entities continue to support both types of aliases, or is e164 deprecated as of v2? As an EP vendor, I'd really hate to require the user to indicate whether the number they just entered is an "e164 alias" or a "party number." Yucko... Maybe, just to be safe, the number should be provided in both forms, but I think some entities get confused when confronted with multiple aliases, or at least the semantics of such a thing is ambiguous. Paul Long Smith Micro Software, Inc. -----Original Message----- From: Callaghan, Robert [SMTP:Robert.Callaghan@ICN.SIEMENS.COM] Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 1999 12:14 PM To: ITU-SG16@MAILBAG.INTEL.COM Subject: Re: e164 vs. partyNumber aliases Paul, The E164 alias, in use, is the user dialed number not a structured E.164 address. The partyNumber is the structured E.164 or Private Number. Bob ------------------------------------------------------------------ Robert Callaghan Siemens Information & Communication Networks Tel: +1.561.997.3756 Fax: +1.561.997.3403 Email: Robert.Callaghan@ICN.Siemens.com ------------------------------------------------------------------ -----Original Message----- From: Paul Long [mailto:Plong@SMITHMICRO.COM] Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 1999 12:38 PM To: ITU-SG16@mailbag.cps.intel.com Subject: e164 vs. partyNumber aliases What is the difference between an e164 alias and a partyNumber alias? Was e164 found lacking, and does partyNumber now supercede it? Are we supposed to stop using e164? If not, how do we decide which form to use? Paul Long Smith Micro Software, Inc.