We use the RFC 1006 length specifier to indicate total message length in TCP. The "ALF" is actually anything but message delimitation -- not sure how it got that name. The functions performed by the application are -- reliable delivery (aided by Megaco's transaction orientation) -- sequencing (not much needed in Megaco except in sorting out event reports) -- throttling in the face of network congestion.
-----Original Message----- From: Liu, Gary [mailto:gLiu@UNISPHERENETWORKS.COM] Sent: Friday, March 02, 2001 11:16 AM To: ITU-SG16@MAILBAG.INTEL.COM Subject: New commer questions
I am a new commer to the MEGACO mailing list and have some dump questions. The text enconding is new to me. If TCP is used as transport, how is a transaction message framed out from the data stream. Is "MEGACO/1" the frame mark? The standard requies MGC/MC to support UDP/ALF. UDP is already message based. Why is ALF (application level framing) needed? I though the other way around. Framing is needed for TCP. Thanks.
Gary Liu
Unisphere Networks, Inc. <http://www.unispherenetworks.com> 7800 Congress Ave., Suit 100 Boca Raton, FL 33487 T:(561)981-7022, F:(561)981-7001
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