I'm forwarding this for Andy Woollett. Hi All, At Andy's request I have posted VRDCrevA.doc and TRDCrevB.doc, they are at ftp://ftp.imtc-files.org/imtc-site/T120-top/geneva98-2/ Chuck ------- Forwarded Message Follows ------- From: Andy Woollett <a_woollett@imagecom.co.uk> To: Chuck Grandgent <k1om@world.std.com> Subject: V.RDC and T.RDC Draft Documents Date sent: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 15:54:21 +0100 Hi Chuck, Could you please place these documents into the Geneva98-2 directory at the IMTC site directory and then forward the following message to the Q3 and Q14 reflectors. Thanks Andy Woollett --------------------------------------------- All: The following draft documents have been placed in the Geneva98-2 directory at the IMTC site. /pub/imtc-site/T.120-top/Geneva98-2/VRDCrevA.doc /pub/imtc-site/T.120-top/Geneva98-2/TRDCrevB.doc VRDCrevA - Remote Device Control Protocol for Multimedia Applications (Q3/16, Q14/16) TRDCrevB - Remote Device Control Application Protocol (Q3/16) It is anticipated that these documents will be submitted for determination at the Geneva SG16 meeting in September. A list of the main changes is on page 2 of each document. Further work is in progress updating the ASN.1 in VRDCrevA.doc. Please could interested parties review these documents and send any questions or comments to me at a_woollett@imagecom.co.uk. Thanks Andy Woollett ImageCom Ltd