Dear Mr. Thom, Mr. Roy and all, GT> I have uploaded two contributions to the incoming directory of GT> the AVC ftp site. GT> HGEF4.doc GT> h246AnnexCchanges.doc GT> GT> These have been submitted to the TSB as Delayed Contributions, GT> source: Delta Information Systems. These two delayed contributions from DIS and the following nine from AT&T have been moved to 1. Scope of Q.F/16 - QOS and End-to-End Performance (File:D01_ATT_QOS_Scope) 2. Framework of QOS and End-to-End Performance in Multimedia Systems (File: D02_ATT_QOS_FW) 3. Enclosure on (View Graphs Presentation) Framework of QOS and End-to-End Performance in Multimedia Systems (File:D03_ATT_QOS_FW_SG16) 4. Problems for Using H.225.0 Annex G Protocol for H.MMS.1 (H.323 Mobility) and Proposed Solution (File: D04_ATT_Mobility_MMS1) 5. Scope of Q.5/16 - Mobility for Multimedia Systems and Services (File: D05_ATT_Mobility_Scope) 6. Framework for Extensions of Multimedia Applications/Systems and Services (File: D06_ATT_Mobility_FW) 7. Enclosure on (View Graphs Presentation) Framework for Extensions of Multimedia Applications/Systems and Services (File:D07_ATT_Mobility_FW_SG16) 8. Common Mobility Management Protocol for all Multimedia Applications/Systems and Services (File: D08_ATT_ Mobility_Mgmt) 9. Enclosure on (View Graphs Presentation) Common Mobility Management Protocol for all Multimedia Applications/Systems and Services (File:D09_ATT_Mobility_Mgmt_SG16) Best regards, OKUBO Sakae ********************************************************* Global Information and Telecommunication Institute (GITI) Waseda University 29-7 Waseda University Bldg. 1-3-10 Nishi-Waseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-0051 Japan e-mail: Tel: +81 3 3204 8194 Fax: +81 3 5286 3832 ********************************************************* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For help on this mail list, send "HELP ITU-SG16" in a message to