Dear Q.12-14/16 experts, Attached please find the list of registered contributions as of 15:00 (Tokyo time) Friday 23 July. If you have requested an APC number for your contribution but is not yet listed, please advise me. Best regards, Sakae OKUBO (Mr.) *********************************************************** Waseda Research Center Telecommunications Advancement Organization of Japan (TAO) 5th Floor, Nishi-Waseda Bldg. 1-21-1 Nishi-Waseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-0051 Japan Tel: +81 3 5286 3830 Fax: +81 3 5287 7287 e-mail: ******************************************************** Documents for Q.12-14/16 Rapporteur meeting in Berlin (2-6 August 1999) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ APC- Source Title ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1555 ITU-T SG8 Recommendation T.38 Indications in Recommendation H.245 (TD1/WP2 of the SG16 Santiago meeting) 1556 ITU-T SG11 Support of IN services for H.323 and other IP Network based terminals (TD4/WP2 of the SG16 Santiago meeting) 1557 ITU-T SG9 Draft New Rec. J.Web "Distribution of Sound and Television Programmes over the Internet "Webcasting"" (TD22/WP2 of the SG16 Santiago meeting) 1558 ITU-T SG2 Routing of Multimedia Connections When Interworking with PSTN, ATM, and IP Networks (TD24/GEN of the SG16 Santiago meeting) 1559 SG16 WP2 Proposed Organisation going forward to new Study Period 1560 Editor (E Martinez) Annex-H (User and Service Mobility in H.323) Proposed Architecture 1561 Editor (G Hellstrom) H.323 Annex G Text Conversation and Text SET 1562 L M Ericsson H.gcp Modification proposals for Text Conversation 1563 Editor Draft H.323 Annex J: Security for H.323 Annex F 1564 L M Ericsson H.224 Modified for text conversation 1565 DataBeam Corporation Usage of Expanded T.35 Country Codes in Recommendations H.225.0,H.245, and H.283 1566 Editor H.243 Draft revised ITU-T Recommendation H.243 (white doc.) 1567 L M Ericsson Generic Service ControlTransport 1568 Lucent and H.245 Generic Capabilities Definition and AT&T H.225 Packetization Specification for the North American Cellular/PCS TDMA Vocoders (ACELP and US1) 1569 BT and Tech- Editorial Clarifications to H.323 and the Know-Ware Implementer's Guide 1570 BT and Tech- Clarifications on Third-Party Pause Know-Ware 1571 Rapporteur for Q.12/16 (S Okubo) Status of Draft Amendment 7 to H.222.0|ISO/IEC 13818-1 -- Carriage of ISO/IEC 14496 (MPEG-4) content over H.222.0|ISO/IEC 13818-1 (MPEG-2) System streams 1572 Editor (K Sakai) Draft Implementor's Guide for H.321 V2 1573 Editor (S Okubo) Draft Implementor's Guide for H.310 V2 1574 SG16 Correspondence Representative to DAVIC (S Okubo) DAVIC work on TV Anytime and TV Anywhere systems 1575 Rapporteur for Q.19/16 (S Hayashi) H.245 Generic Capability Definition and H.225.0 Packetization Specification for G.729 1576 Japan Guideline for assigning the T.35 terminal provider codes in Japan 1577 Oki et al Proposed modifications to resolve the inconsistent ASN.1 syntaxes between T.38 Annex B and H.245 1578 Oki et al Proposed additional liasion to SG8 on T.38 Appnedix II 1579 Hitachi, Ltd. Prototype system of H.262 layered video transmission 1580 Nortel Networks Media Gateway control protocol architecture and requirements 1581 Lucent Technologies and Nortel Networks H.323 v3 and H.225 v3 Support for Improved Alias Registrations 1582 Lucent Technologies H.323 v3 and H.225 v3 Endpoint Registration Clarifications 1583 Siemens AG Error in Coding Bearer Capabilities 1584 Siemens AG Inter-Zone Addressing 1585 Siemens AG Correction of Alias Conflict in H.225.0v3 1586 Siemens AG Identification of Gateway Protocol 1587 Siemens AG Null AliasAddress 1588 SIEMENS Restricted Numbers/Aliases in Supplementary Service APDUs 1589 SIEMENS Work on Supplementary Service Interworking started 1590 SIEMENS Draft H.450.9 "Call Completion Supplementary Services for H.323 1591 AT&T and VocalTec Functional Requirements and Service Classes to Support QOS in H.323 1592 Lucent Technologies Q.SIG Transport in H.323 Systems 1593 PictureTel and Nortel Networks Backward compatibility and clarification text in H.323 Annex C 1594 PictureTel Problem with XRS (Message Not Understood) RAS message 1595 PictureTel Additional information in ARQ for Gateway calls 1596 PictureTel H.245 support for G.722.1 1597 Siemens Feature key management extensions for H.323 SET terminals 1598 VocalTec Adopting a Pragmatic Approach to IPT-IN InterWorking 1599 VocalTec Clarifications to the fast connect procedure 1600 VocalTec Comments on Transporting DTMF in H.323 1601 VocalTec Changes to H.323 to support operation via basic NAT devices 1602 VocalTec et al IN-IPT interworking - feecback from the SG11 Rapporteur meeting 1603 VocalTec Scope definition of Annex D to H.246 1604 VocalTec Changes to H.248 to assure H.323 GW interoperability 1605 Intel Corporation Proposed Terms of Reference for H.323 Mobility 1606 Cisco Systems Proposal for Transporting User Input via RTP 1607 Cisco Systems Proposal for Enforcing Symmetric Codec Operation with Fast Connect 1608 Tech-Know-Ware and Lucent H.GCP/Megaco Structured Message Encoding Using an ASCII Line Format 1609 Lucent Technologies Support for Q.931 TNS and NSF IEs in H.225.0 1610 Q.14 Rapporteur Changes to H.248 Proposed by IETF Megaco 1611 RAD Data Communications LTD Proposals for the next version of H.341 MIB 1612 Lucent Proposing structured media and bearers for H.248, 1613 Lucent Proposal for PUT and DELETE commands in H.248, 1614 Lucent Scripting framework for H.248, 1615 Lucent H.242 package for support of decomposed H.323-to-H.320 gateways in H.248 1616 LM Ericsson H.GCP and encoding in networks 1617 LM Ericsson Signalling Transport for H.GCP 1618 LM Ericsson Handling of Optional H.GCP commands 1619 LM Ericsson Notification Indicators in H.323 1620 LM Ericsson Signalling Transport in H.323 1621 LM Ericsson Draft H.246 Annex C 1622 Lucent Technologies Expression of Gateway Call Capacity 1623 Lucent Technologies Need for the Q.931 Disconnect and Release Messages in H.225.0 1624 TAO Some considerations on the new Annex to H.323 for high quality audiovisual communications 1625 Oki Electric Indsutry Editorial errors in H.450.5 and H.450.7 1626 Nortel Networks Tunneling of Q.SIG information in H.225.0 1627 Nortel Networks R2 Package for MEGACO Protocol 1628 Nortel Networks Megaco IP Phone Media Gateway 1629 Nortel Networks Basic Packages For Megaco/H.248 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------