Dear Mr. Okubo, I would like to register two contributions for the upcoming meeting. - H.323 Annex "Text", Text Conversation Capable SUD. (First proposal) - Text conversation in H.323. (Proposed structure ) Please assign two APC numbers. Both are proposals, I suggest that both are discussed under "point 3, discussion of new SUDs, even if the second is of a more general nature even valid for full Multimedia systems and gateway implementations. Best regards, Gunnar Hellström SWEDEN _____________________________________ Gunnar Hellström Omnitor Alsnögatan 7, 4 tr S-116 41 Stockholm SWEDEN Tel +46 751 100 501 Fax +46 8 556 002 06 Text: (V.21) +46 8 556 002 02 e-mail www: Video +46 8 556 002 05 -------------------------------------