FYI -------- Original Message -------- From: "Edgar Martinez [1]" <> Subject: Re:ALL-IP workshop held on 7-9 Feb 2000 in Nice (News release & Docs) To: TIPHON : Entirely <TIPHON@LIST.ETSI.FR> Dear Scott, The work shop I believe was done to benefit both MWIF and 3GPP. What do they have that we do not? 3GPP and MWIF are addressing the Radio Access interface on IP. Motorola has try to include the Radio Access into TIPHON WG7 but have not progress too far. If TIPHON really wants to get into the full end to end fixed and wireless/mobility network All IP solution. We need to address IP Radio Access. We need to work with Tiphon's WG2 architecture team and add a Radio Access Plane. So we can recommend requirements around the Radio (wireless) access plane. In any event without the Radio access on IP we have "no real Wireless mobility with handover" same problem in SG16. Right now both SG16 and TIPHON is working only on Roaming! Motorola will again try to bring up the issue of the direct radio access IP interface to the IP network and adding a Radio Access Plane to the TIPHON architecture. In the next TIPHON meeting and I hope we can get more support. I hope we also Liaison with MWIF and other wireless all IP groups looking for an "real" all IP end to end solution. And not just use the IP network (TIPHON) as a simple VoIP/media Transport or simple Home Location database depository for a 3G Hybrid Mobile Network as it has been proposed in other groups. Ed Scott Cadzow wrote:
This is a summary and pointer to the 3GPP all IP network workshop. It should be stressed that TIPHON on offering to present our work were brushed aside and not invited to this workshop.
-----Original Message----- From: Adrian Zoicas [mailto:Adrian.Zoicas@ETSI.FR] Sent: 15 February 2000 17:09 To: UMTS@LIST.ETSI.FR Subject: UMTS mail#15: ALL-IP workshop held on 7-9 Feb 2000 in Nice (News release & Docs)
Will the next generation be ALL-IP? [2000-02-11] A workshop held on 7-9 February 2000 in Nice - France hosted by Microsoft gathered together over 350 participants to investigate what is one of the biggest things to hit the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) since its creation! The Internet Protocol (IP) has the ability to achieve seamlessness across networks, it is believed to be the solution for reducing the cost of creating and expanding mobile networks and to allow IP-based services to be rapidly developed for use upon them. There is already a substantial amount of IP equipment installed for internet infrastructure and the new challenge is how to re-use this for mobile networks? The aim of this workshop was to firstly come up with some clear ideas of what an All-IP network is - a common understanding is essential to commence work. It is also necessary to have a common vision with regard to future phases of All-IP. The next step will be to integrate the results of these discussions into the work of each of the 3GPP TSGs. The first phase of the work, establishing detailed requirements, will be part of 3GPP release 2000. This is due for completion in December 2000. Co-operation with other bodies, such as the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), will certainly be required. There are still issues that need to be resolved regarding where to use IP transport, the requirements for naming and addressing; Mobility Management, which IP version to use (IPv4 or IPv6) and how to migrate to the chosen IP version, .....
PS: Documents from the workshop can be found at: e.g.:
AIP-000002 List of presentations
AIP-000003 Defining standards that merge Mobile systems with Internet Ericsson
AIP-000004 Architectural principles Ericsson
AIP-000006 Liaison on All-IP from GSM North America GSM North America
AIP-000007 Next Generation Wireless: Business Drivers for an All-IP network Lucent Technologies
AIP-000008 All IP: Issues Requiring Direction and Decision Lucent Technologies
AIP-000009 Requirements for IP Based UMTS. A Consensus View from the Industry UMTS Forum
AIP-000011 Business Drivers for the IP Based 3G Vision BT
AIP-000012 Evolving Towards the IP Vision BT
AIP-000013 Naming/Numbering and Identification of UMTS Users BT
AIP-000014 Web-Based Network Management for IP Networks Motorola
AIP-000015 Voice and Data legacy Systems - IP interworking MATRA Nortel Communications
AIP-000016 All IP Networks Vision and Migration Motorola
AIP-000017 IP Wireless Network Cisco Wireless Architecture
AIP-000020 All-IP standardisation GSMA ISG
AIP-000021 Report of SA WG2/CN Release 2000 ad-hoc/T WG2 Joint meeting on Release 2000
AIP-000022 All-IP Networks Architectures Convergence Mid term vision Alcatel
AIP-000023 3G TR 22.976 V0.5.0 (ad-hoc group draft) R Wohlert
AIP-000024 Key Results from CN R'00 Ad-Hoc TSG CN Vice Chairman
AIP-000025 Requirements for All-IP. A view of a "Legacy Network" Operator Mannesmann Mobilfunk
AIP-000026 Mobile Wireless Internet Forum (MWIF) Architectural Principles Vodafone AirTouch
AIP-000027 IP based unified networking Nortel Networks
AIP-000028 Nokia Vision of the Mobile Information Society Nokia
AIP-000029 Nokia All-IP System Design Principles Nokia
AIP-000030 Defining standards that merge Mobile systems with Internet Ericsson
Best regards Adrian ZOICAS ETSI Mobile Competence Centre Tel:+33492944221 Fax:+33492385221
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-- Edgar Martinez - Principal Staff Engineer Email FAX 1-847-632-3145 - - Voice 1-847-632-5278 1501 West Shure Drive, Arlington Hgts. IL 60004 Public: TIPHON & Other Stds - Private:TIPHON & Other Stds -