I found two further typos in Appendix II. -> Revision "...r1" file in Incoming directory again. Regards Albrecht Albrecht SCHWARZ/DE/ALCAT To: SG16 <itu-sg16@external.cisco.com> EL@ALCATEL cc: jan.lindquist@ERICSSON.COM Subject: H.248.1 V3 Editorial Comments: Week 5 13.06.2005 18:25 FYI, I've uploaded comments from ALCATEL side to "Week 5" in the "Incoming" directory: http://ftp3.itu.int/av-arch/avc-site/Incoming/TD7%20Week%205%20Comments%20 ASchwarz.doc Major (technical) update is Generic Package Version 2 (instead V1) due to inclusion of "onIteration" capability in my opinion. Also just the note that Alcatel contributions for next SG16 are in planning with regard to: 1) § E.11.5 "recommendations on statistics usage), and 2) App. II (new § 5.8.6 Notify) Regards Albrecht