I checked the Megaco requirements mainly from the point of view of how well it covers gatewaying between different forms of real time text conversation facilities. The most apparent need is between the current analogue network based text telephones and IP text phones that are in the process of being defined in SG16. The current textphones are working with different types of modem-like signalling ( that all can be joined by the V.18 modem in the gateway) while in IP networks it is T.140 carried by a data protocol. With the current efforts in the US to arrange some kind of gateway between land based text telephony and mobile text telephony, work in this direction is already going on. I found very little influence. And that might pose a question: Is Megaco too vague, does it need to get more specific in its requirements to really imply something? But that might be the next step - the protocols and functions. I want to suggest the following modifications to specifically mention the important real time text gatewaying: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.2 d : insert "text" together with the other media, to read "e.g. audio, text, video, T.120 ) 5.3 d : insert "text telephony" before FAX 11. Table 1. I am not sure what this table indicates. All multimedia protocols are missing. Is it some kind of very basic mandatory media requirements? Without really knowing, I recommend: For ISDN, add Multi-media to the applications. For Analogue, and Restricted, add Text telephony after FAX. Insert a new section 11.2.4 ( pushing the existing down one step) 11.2.4 Trunking/Access Gateway with text telephone access ports 11.2.10 IVR Unit Insert a requirement: IVR should never be the only way to control the MG. Text based and web based control are important alternatives. Accepted? Gunnar Hellström At 10:41 1999-04-19 -0400, Tom-PT Taylor wrote:
If Megaco and SG 16 are to come up with a common Media Gateway control protocol, we must agree on the requirements. I am attaching a zipped copy of the latest draft of the Megaco requirements document, with the hope that SG 16 experts will feel free to comment on it. You can pass comments either to this list or to megaco@standards.nortelnetworks.com.
A version of this document will be submitted as a Delayed Contribution to the Santiago meeting. Depending on the number of comments we receive, that version may be the attached one or a revision of it.
Tom Taylor E-mail: taylor@nortelnetworks.com (internally Tom-PT Taylor) Tel.: +1 613 736 0961 (ESN 396-1490) FAX: same number by prior arrangement (manual answer).
Attachment Converted: "c:\_Omnitor\Attach\draft-ietf-megaco-reqs-02.zip"
----------------------------------------------- Gunnar Hellstrom Representing Ericsson in ITU-T E-mail gunnar.hellstrom@omnitor.se Tel +46 751 100 501 fax +46 8 556 002 06