31 Oct
31 Oct
7:34 p.m.
Dear Experts, I've uploaded the contributions: APC-1954, "Proposal for support of H.324 Annex C multimedia calls in decomposed gateway" APC-1955, "Identification of References to IETF Documents in H.225.0 version 4 (per Recommendation A.5)" APC-2016, "Support of HTTP in H.324" to the incoming directory of the PictureTel FTP server. ftp://standard.pictel.com/avc-site/Incoming/ Best regards, Takashi Suzuki NTT DoCoMo, Inc. Multimedia Labs. TEL : +81 468 40 3515, FAX : +81 468 40 3788 email : suzuki@spg.yrp.nttdocomo.co.jp takashi.suzuki@ties.itu.int ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For help on this mail list, send "HELP ITU-SG16" in a message to listserv@mailbag.intel.com