26 Jan
26 Jan
3:42 p.m.
Mr. Okubo and colleagues, Per your request, I have just uploaded my delayed H.323 SG16 contributions to the AVC site. (ftp://standard.pictel.com/avc-site/Incoming). The filenames are: 1. H_246_AnnexE_Geneva_02072000.doc 2. H323_MobilityDefn_Geneva_0207200.doc also I upload the above files as Zipped files: 1. H-246-Annex-E.zip 2. H323_MobilityDefn_Intel.zip Please review the enclosed documents and provide you comments to me. thanks a lot. regards, Paul Paul K. Reddy Intel Corporation Mailto:paul.k.reddy@intel.com Office Phone: +1.503.264.9896 Mobile Phone:+1.503.807.9564