Dear Q.12-14/16 experts, Attached please find the notice of the subject meeting held in Geneva during 25-27 August 1999. Best regards, Sakae OKUBO (Mr.) *********************************************************** Waseda Research Center Telecommunications Advancement Organization of Japan (TAO) 5th Floor, Nishi-Waseda Bldg. 1-21-1 Nishi-Waseda, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 169-0051 Japan Tel: +81 3 5286 3830 Fax: +81 3 5287 7287 e-mail: *********************************************************** Subject: Convocation of the Rapporteur's meeting on Q16 and 17/16 Date: Thu, 1 Jul 1999 15:18:37 +0200 Importance: high X-Priority: 1 MIME-Version: 1.0 Dear Colleagues, As agreed at Santiago a Rapporteur meeting regarding Qs 16 and 17/16 will take place in Geneva at the ITU premises from 25 to 27 August 1999 (inclusive), with the following agenda: 1. Opening 2. Approval of the agenda 3. Discussion/proposals a) for the project "MEDIA COM 2004" b) possible information to TSAG c) communication with other SGs 4. Preparation of the meeting of IP experts of SG 13 (Geneva, 30 August - 10 September 1999) 5. GII projects under the responsibility of SG 16 7. Miscellaneous 8. Future work 9. Closing The meeting will open at 09.30 hours on the first day. Detailed information concerning the meeting rooms will be displayed on screens at the entrances to ITU headquarters. The results of this meeting will also serve as preparation for the review of Questions for the next study period. This activity will very likely take place in a meeting organized on 30 September (afternoon session), 1 October and 2 October (if needed), with the participation of the management of SG 16 and the Rapporteurs. Contributions to the August meeting should reach TSB as soon as possible and will be posted in Q16/16 and Q17/16 informal ftp area. A copy of contributions should be sent to the Rapporteur Mr. M. Matsumoto at e-mail: Would you be so kind as to confirm your participation to the August meeting of Q16 and 17/16 by return e-mail, and in any case prior to 15 August 1999. Yours faithfully Fabio Bigi TSB Senior Counsellor