----- Original Message ----- From: "Simao Campos-Neto" <simao.campos@LABS.COMSAT.COM> To: <ITU-SG16@mailbag.cps.INTEL.COM> Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 1:42 PM Subject: Re: Proposed Change to ITU-SG16 Mail List Procedures
Dear colleagues,
I sympathise with Greg, and agree that measures should be taken to control SPAM.
We have heard of three options, a) block sending messages at the server level (rob.c, sorry, don't know your real name) <SNIP> I would request that a) not be implemented. I have been in a situation before that I did not have access to a "clean" SMTP server and used one of the servers that spammers also use ...
This would be the most effective option
actually, the legitimate use of the open-door policy prevalent in the beginning of the Internet. This scenario happens quite frequently, so it is an option which I would favor to leave open.
Well its now really not best current practice, but the wider debate is not relevant, you don't have to use RSS (that aims at open relays), just use RBL which is a list of confirmed spam sources.
On a more general respect, control of spam will be good only as long as the ban list is maintained
RBL is very well maintained and updated by the minute.
-- we will still get spam messages in the wake of new spam smtp servers before they are added to the ban lists.
No option (save for human moderation) will get all "spam messages" however the above one will get alot. In my experience it gets about 50% of what i consider to be spam.
Best regards, Simão
regards, rob.c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For help on this mail list, send "HELP ITU-SG16" in a message to listserv@mailbag.intel.com