I agree with Chris. Some other sig protocols use the value of 0 in registration msgs to ask for unregistration or indicate registration has expired. This is consistent with the definition of ttl and h323 implementors should agree on that. Even though h225 does provide urq msg to properly unregister a terminal, thus permitting to use the 0 value to indicate that the ras capability of the endpoint for keepalives, allowing to use the value of ttl==0 to indicate that keepalives are not supported is *not* recommended. Jean-Francois Mule. Chris Wayman Purvis wrote:
2) If the EP does not specify a timeToLive, should this be treated as a value of "0" and does this make it impossible for a GK to impose any timeToLive value?
I would suggest that this would imply that the endpoint does not support this feature. I would, on the other hand, have thought (unless one of the standards says otherwise) that a value of "0" would mean that the registration expires immediately, which may not be terribly useful! Not quite the same thing.
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