Dear Jones, I've tried to notice you my contribution to the Seoul meeting several time, but I received an error message. The below is the information of my contribution. I'd like to have a document number. Question: 21,22/16 Source: NTT Title: Proposed update of H.ghna, considering G.hnta Purpose: Proposal The contribution will be available tomorrow. Best regards,
Dear Okubo and Jones,
I am planning to submit a contributon to the forthcoming WP2/16 meeting in Seoul.
Question: 21,22/16 Source: NTT Title: Proposed update of H.ghna, considering G.hnta Purpose: Proposal
The contribution will be ready for submission in the next week.
Best regards,
-- <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Yoshinori Goto NTT Access Network Service Systems Labs. TEL:+81 43 211 2109 FAX:+81 43 211 7493 <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>