Hi All, I have few doubts on the RTP session. 1. In any RTP direction of transmission, the destination TA that identifies the session, is also associated with a single RTP payload type. Let us say there is a MCU connected to three terminals a, b and c. a & b are transmitting G.711 A-law and c is transmitting G.729, then a & b can transmit to the same destination TA and for MCU be participant in the same session, whereas c has to transmit to a different TA and will be a participant in a separate session. Is it corret? 2. Can the session in the reverse direction have same session ID even if the payload type is different? If yes, why is this co-relation required? What is the criteria on which the master will decide the same session ID in both directions? 3. Is it required to have same session ID if the payload type is same in both directions? 4. Why the standard has fixed the session IDs for first session of each media type? Why these have to be same in each direction of transmission? 5. What happens to these sessions when a call is converted into an ad-hoc conference and GK becomes the active MC. The original sessions are closed but can the session Ids be reused this way? with regards, Sunil