You means Bonding for ISDN? That is discussed by IETF:Internet Engineering Task Force. BACP:Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol is very common in ISDN Terminal Adaptors or ISDN Routers in Japan. Regards Takagawa At 09:34 98/05/01 -0800, Gary A. Thom wrote:
Can any one point me to the person/organization that assigns manufacturer codes for the Bonding standards???
Thanks Gary ------------------------------------------------------ Name : Gary A. Thom Company: Delta Information Systems, Inc. Address: 300 Welsh Rd., Bldg 3 Horsham, PA 19044 USA Phone : +1-215-657-5270 Fax : +1-215-657-5273 E-mail : gthom@delta-info.com ------------------------------------------------------
************************************************************* Yuichiro "Tuck" Takagawa Tel:+81-30-248-6357 Executive Manager Fax:+81-3-5359-5788 NTT Multimedia Business Dept. takagawa@mbd.mbc.ntt.co.jp Emergency Internet Pager: 0361241374@page.docomonet.or.jp Private Home Page: http://village.infoweb.or.jp/~fwbc7006/ Post:3-19-2 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo163-8019, Japan Find my location on the "MAPION" of Cyber Map Japan by... http://www.mapion.co.jp/cgi-bin/m?no=2b036m-22nuwy&xy=132,516 *************************************************************