Jim, Some mostly editorial comments on the H.235 Draft: - (Page 12) Section 6.2, 2nd paragraph, 3rd sentence ends with "...not simply the physical."; do you mean to say "physical terminal"? I'm not sure. - (Page 13) Section 6.2.1, 2nd paragraph, 1st sentence "... requires the endpoints..." should be changed to "...the endpoints are required..." - (Page 14) Section 6.6, 1st paragraph, last sentence: remove the "," between "...an element" and "is the confidence...". - (Page 16) Section 8.4, the last sentence is enclosed in braces; is there a reason for this? It seems that the statement about the MC is valid and should be included in the text. This is re-stated in section 9.2 I believe. - (Page 16) Section 8.5, 3rd paragraph: It seems that this should only apply when the H.245 channel is secure; in fact the document allows for the encryption key to be passed in other places beside the OpenLogicalChannelAck. Perhaps we need to add a sentence saying that "When the H.245 channel is operated in secure mode..." or something like that. Section 11.1appears to fill this out. - (Page 17) Section 10.2, Figure A, Phase 2: Shouldn't this be a cryptoToken, because it is encrypted via the DH key? Maybe I don't understand the token usage correctly. Also, should we include a Note descibing the meaing of { }E DH-secret ? The other figures seem to have note to this effect. Finally, the last sentence of this sections indicates that EPB knows GeneralIDa, but I believe this will only be true if Phase 1 includes the optional cryptoToken. - (Page 21) Section 11.1, last bullet point of last paragraph: encryptionUpdate should be in bold type. - (Page 22) Annex A: Is there a reason why ChallengeString is limited to only 16 OCTETs? It seems that this may want to get larger in the future. Also, do the BIT STRINGS in the DHset need to have MSB/LSB ordering specified? A comment would probably suffice and clear up future implementation problems. - (Page 32 and 38) Appendix A to D: Should these be numbered Appendix I to IV so as not to be confused with Annexes? Corey Gates corey@fvc.com Tel: +1.408.567.7214 Fax: +1.408.988.7077